MarriageWell - A Deep Resource for Marriages

God began preparing Al and Leticia Perez for a ministry to married couples long before MarriageWell existed. After God transformed their marriage, opportunities to mentor and encourage other couples began presenting themselves over and over again. As this continued, God began to pour His vision for MarriageWell into Al's heart during his personal prayer times. Even though Al had no idea how the details would unfold, the vision was clear: They were being called to provide marital coaching, workshops to educate couples, date night events and an online presence to encourage husbands and wives in the issues they face.

To launch the MarriageWell ministry, Al and Leticia identified 45 couples in our community who had been married over 65 years. On May 9, 2015, they hosted an event to honor these couples, praying that people would actually show up. To their amazement, 30 of the 45 couples came (one had been married for 77 years), and 330 people were introduced to a new deep resource for marriages.

Since then, God has worked through MarriageWell in powerful ways. Couples have received tools to solidify their relationships and in many cases hurting couples have found healing. One example of this is a couple who sought help through MarriageWell after they had separated. They hoped that somehow their relationship could be restored. Through their coaching times, they began to discover the root of their struggles and to invite Jesus into the places where they needed transformation. Now living together again, they are thriving! In fact, they recently found themselves sharing their reality and encouraging couples in their small group. As they left the group, they looked at each other and said, "Did we just get used?!" When they shared their experience with Leticia, she asked the husband how that felt. He teared up and said, "God has continued to heal us, so that He can use us!" Al says that this is the ultimate healing. With God, nothing is wasted. Al says, "God heals us and helps us get to the other side of our difficulties so that we can reach back and grab someone else's hand."  

MarriageWell is a ministry located on the Ventura Missionary Church campus. For more information, visit their website.

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